Monday, November 26, 2007

Class In the Rain Forest!

Wow it has been a while, sorry about that friends.
A lot has happened this month!

We studied Anatomy and the teacher decided the best way to learn was hands on. So I found myself dissecting a sheep’s heart and liver. I was fine until, one of the boys on the team decided to squeeze the heart between his fingers, I became the palest shade of white and almost hit the floor.

There were also two ladies that came in to speak on leprosy; both of them had lived in India for over 7 years. As they shared we learned that there is so much injustice in India because of their belief systems about the poor and sick. It is thought that having Leprosy is punishment for something they did in there past life, the gods cursed them. It breaks my heart to hear such a lie in a culture. (And I know the places we are going struggle with the is similar outlook on Aids.) Leprosy is also not that contagions if you are a healthy person and the dieses can be cured, a lot of the time people are to afraid to touch them when it shouldn’t be the case. One of the ladies shared a bit of her storey, as tears came rolling down my eyes, she told us her husband and 2 sons were burned alive because of there faith in Jesus and the work at the Leprosy hospital. She also, publicly on TV, spoke forgiveness to the killers, that are still unknown. If that doesn’t speak of the power of Jesus I don’t know what does.

Then, to top of the month are team had a week of teaching in a tropical rain forest! We studied eyes and nose next to a waterfall. And on Thanks Giving I was praying in the trees and a wild turkey came running past me, I laughed so hard, how ironic is that moment. I know God has a sense of hummer. I was also able to learn how to waive coconut leaves together to make baskets from my Tongan friend named Isaiah; naturally I made it into a purse and used it all week. I could defiantly live in the rain forest for a long time along as I had the waterfall, are bucket shower was a challenge but fun.

I have a wonderful update: over 700$ has come in for Outreach! I will know the full amount soon (thank you Jesus! and to those of you that give and for your prayers)
Thank you for praying for are leader as well, God has healed her and threw this she is getting to talk with a specialist that will help us find good medication to treat the people in Papa New Guinea and Irian Jaya, were she contracted malaria.

Random Fact: To loosen wax or other foreign objects from your ear use warm cooking oil then, a few min. later flush it with warm water.